How I Got Here
People create blogs for many different reasons such as making money, selling products, or just for fun, which is why I have created this blog. I have been needing hobby to keep myself busy during the COVID-19 pandemic and blogging seemed the most interesting and enjoyable activity for me. My dad and brother both have created blogs so it just seemed like the right fit for me. When I was younger, I always enjoyed writing. English was my favorite subject in Elementary and Middle school because I just loved expressing my imagination through writing stories. I kept a journal and would write in it at the end of the day to document the things that happened. I no longer have those journals because well….nothing excited happened. I do plan to keep this blog going as long as I can because I am 23 and I have things I want to share.
I plan on accomplishing somethings through my writings such as bettering myself and to help others to do the same. I spend some of my free time watching YouTubers who have made becoming a better person and helping others their full-time job. Making this my full-time job isn’t quite where I am at but this blog is a start. I also hope to pick up writing as a new hobby because right now I live my life outside of work on the couch with Grey’s Anatomy on (which isn’t a terrible life to live). I want to do more with my life than what I am currently doing right now. I’m in my early twenties and I feel like now is the time to try some new things out.
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